Sunday, November 15, 2009


after I made some tabloid-size flyers for whitney's senior recital using the photos we shot... I figured I had enough content to do something cool... so... I hope this turned out 'cool' - maybe we'll print these, too.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mrs. Byrd

a few shots I did for our good friends, the Byrds, for Mrs. Byrd's upcoming senior recital.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


blogger isn't really a great place for showing art and photos and what not... I think I'm gonna start looking for something else...

Here's a sketch I did on some lined paper... and I actually, instead of scanning it, took a picture of it with my phone and sent it to my computer to see how easy it would be to illustrate it with limited means.  AND I don't think it came out that bad!

I'd love to start doing game-art again...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

night shots - megan koontz

right by my appartment.  I always wanted to shoot out there.  we did these last week... just had time to do two of them.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

some logo thumbnails

did these real quick for a client...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

it doesn't snow in santa clarita . . .

these are gonna go to some different businesses around town...  I'm pretty stoked about them. an independent marketer is putting them up. they're a little bit smaller than business-card sized ads... obvious I gave them the ol' resize.

I'm also thinking they would look better as a .png vs a .jpeg (like most things do).

Friday, September 25, 2009

at least I have a job...

but these are definitely the things I DON'T get to do at work.

just a fun layout of my fiance...

and I particularly liked the picture in the upper right... so... now there's this:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

love the church

So we've been thinking a lot about Jackson Hole, lately.  I love those guys.  God's really doing a whole lot up there, through them.  We're hoping to hook up with them.  Right now we're just offering up open hands to the Lord, though.  We'll see where God leads.

I did these flyers for them, recently.  Thought I'd put them up here.  I love it when I get to do art for something that I'm actually sold out on.  Like the Church.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

business cards

Welp. Made this for the ol' fiance.
She doesn't even know about it yet! (surprise!)
We're going to Ventura (or the Ventura area) today... hopefully, to the beach... and hopefully she'll let me take some pictures... although... lately she hasn't...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I made this thing

I didn't make the bottle, though.

don't you want to buy it?

Thursday, July 30, 2009


(stock texture polaroid)
so I upgraded my main model from girlfriend to fiance. :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

graphic designer

so I bought a new book:

"design basic index"
'a graphic designer's guide to designing
effective compositions,
selecting dynamic components &
developing creative concepts'
(note the 3 c's)

my employer had recommended that I buy some books to really sharpen my eye for design, and I decided that it'd be crazy not to listen to that kind of advice. so I'd spent some time flipping through some of the design books at the book store (after one of the book store employees and I discovered the design section of the book store) and landed on this book - deciding it was probably the best thing I could get for the money at the moment.

and while I was standing in the check out line at the book store, I started to realize that I was about to make my first actual investment in a real future career. it was a really unique feeling...

and I had to battle through some other feelings while I stood there, in line.
"am I loving money?" I had to ask myself. "or am I being a good steward of what God's alotted to me at this point in time?"

and I feel like... often times we'll live out the reality of option a under the guise of option b. and I feel like I'm really trying to battle that. because honestly, the Lord is starting to move me and bless me in this area, which I feel like could be the start of a very versatile career... something that I'll definitely use to maximize my availability for the ministry of the Word.

needless to say, everything started spinning around, and it kept spinning until I got home. I started to see design everywhere in everything, and every color that was or wasn't present in everything that I looked at started to make more sense.

Monday, July 6, 2009

oh, green world

we went to the beach on saturday and I got a chance to take some shots of lauren, jeff's girl friend ('novia'). lauren and tj are both pretty vintage, so I figured... I might as well put her in some vintage photos. (I should've been sleeping)

textures borrowed (because I didn't make them and they were free):
(I don't drink coffee anyways, so how would I get coffee stained textures of my own?)

Friday, July 3, 2009

justin crist

did some head shots and some portraits of a good buddy of mine, today...

it was a lot of fun. God really used him uniquely to get me where I'm at right now.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I think... I'm going to try picasa for photo hosting (for now).

and I think I'm going to... creat some real-deal products... using things like zazzle and cafepress.

and I'm going to write an album...

yeah I'm really going to do these things. God gave me the know-how... so I have no responsible choice.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Skilles

we did some shoots for a child hood friend today, down in north county.
and... they turned out great :) the lighting was way perfect by the time we fought through the traffic and made it down there. God really worked that out really well.

Monday, June 15, 2009

lined paper

I actually grabbed this texture off the internet, somewhere... I think I googled it. or I got it off of deviant art.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


now that I have 'a real job' I can spend time on photography (and other art!) with out a guilty conscience... :)

and that's why men need real jobs. to justify their hobbies.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009


"erin, go stand by these trees..."

Friday, May 29, 2009


Learning new things, refining old things.

We took a bunch of shots at this really neat place off of Magic Mountain, but this one is the only one I've gotten around to working on.

(without noise distortion)